Yagya and Sally Singh in Nepal

Nepal is a beautiful mountainous nation with 26 million people, speaking over 130 languages. One million of them live in its capital, Kathmandu.

Nepal’s population is made up of

  1. 80%Hindu

  2. 10% Buddhist

  3. 4% Muslim

  4. 2% Christian

In 2015, the 7.6 magnitude earthquake left many families destitute. They lost everything: homes, livestock, crops, clothing, food, and loved ones. Until now, families in remote regions of Nepal have remained extremely vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation. This is mainly due to low incomes, and a lack of education, which perpetuates a cycle of poverty.

What is Human Trafficking?

The illegal trafficking of women is one of the biggest issues facing Nepal today. Lured by promises of employment in big Indian cities, large numbers of young Nepali girls are smuggled by flesh traders and forced into prostitution. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of Nepali women, children, and teenagers, most between the ages of 8 and 14, are forced to work as slaves in brothels in Asia.

The Work

Yagya and Sally have been working in anti-trafficking work since 2008. They pioneered a BAM (Business as Mission) for 5 years, which provided jobs and training opportunities to those who are at high risk for sexual exploitation and trafficking (SET). In 2016, they founded Bridges Nepal, an NGO that aims to bring hope, restoration, and social transformation to rural communities in Nepal. This is done through education, training, relief, development, and helping families find alternative sources of income. Through the NGO, they are able to help families who are in immediate need of housing, provisions, clean water, and children who need education. As communities are transformed, they become more self-sustaining and less at risk for exploitation and trafficking.

Yagya is experienced in community development and primary health care and loves to communicate principles that teach others how to improve their own value of life. He frequently treks into earthquake-affected villages to visit families who have lost everything, and spends time with them, listening to their needs and, when possible, meeting them.

Sally is skilled in business management as well as photography, print design, and social media. As well as preventing human trafficking, she is passionate about personal discipleship and counseling. Together, they are dedicated to promoting the value of women in Nepali society.

Yagya and Sally are passionate about discipling Nepali believers towards a biblical worldview. They long to see lives and communities transformed through encounters with Jesus Christ and for human trafficking to end globally.

The Need

We really need your financial support and your prayer support! Our work with Interserve does not provide a salary. We need to raise Β£43,240 per year to enable us to continue our work in Nepal. Please consider contributing to our target amount on a monthly or annual basis; for further details contact Katherine Edwards at admin@lccstor.org.

We also need a team of people who will commit to praying for our work in Nepal. If you would like to receive regular prayer updates, or if you would like more information about how to get involved in preventing human trafficking, please contact Sally at contact@bridgesnepal.org

Thank you for your support!